Don't throw your money in the activities which are non-essential, non-value adding and over which you don't have much control. You will save tons of money. You will also eliminate one big chunk of non-essential activities of your life which are absolutely non-value adding. This will give you extra time to spend on more useful actions.
Don't Do Things Given Below and Save Lots of Money (Eliminate Them)
- Gambling
- Betting
- Horse racing
- Visiting casinos for gambling and indulge in gambling there
- Smoking
- Taking drugs
- Drinking (Alcohol)
- Things you don't need (Don't buy them)
- Impulsive, emotional and/or impromptu buying that is non-planned
- Keeping up with the Joneses (Let me also buy since the others have it, irrespective of the fact that I don't need it)
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